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Lola Rocknrolla & Maine Anders: Dynamic Duo behind Nefertitty

Right after I got witness the premiere screening of Nefertitty TV I got a chance to interview director/producer Lola Rocknrolla and the lead Maine Anders and ask them about the process of creating a TV series around the character and what it's like to shoot in Brooklyn along with what's next for Team Titty.

Why a TV series for this character? Is it part of a expansion plan? Lola: We did two short films with Nefertitty (Nefertitty and Nefertitty in Space) but I really wanted to have a chance to expand her campy world so a TV show seemed like a natural step. We are shopping the show to networks and hope to have the series going global by next year.

How did the writing process come about for this episode? Lola: I wanted to say something about all the re-branding of racism in this country. The Alt-whites are the same as Nazis, same as the KKK same as the skin heads. They are all bigots and the hiding all that hate behind re-branding was really offensive to me. The way the media normalizes this shit was just making me angry every day so I started writing the script.

Is it easier writing/directing a tv show than a film? Lola: I think it changes each time. Some shoots are harder than others. I've worked on TV shows where it was pretty easy and smooth, others were a shit show! Same with film. We shot all of the Nefertitty pilot in four days so that was kind of insane. I think I slept about 10 hours in those 4 days combined.

What made you decide to create a series for Nefertitty and not do another film at the moment? Lola: I really think that television is the best way to get big audiences now. I love movies and I love making movies but I think TV just has more reach now. We are in a generation that doesn't want to leave the house. Netflix and chill means that no one is in the theater. I will always love film first though. The magic of seeing it on a big screen can't be duplicated.

How many episodes do you have written so far that's in the can? I have written the next three episodes completely and I have a "tv bible" mapping out the entire season.

What are the locations you been shooting at? Lola: I shoot exteriors all over the city. We went to Bushwick for the graffiti since it seems to be the only place left that has any. We shot everything else in a giant mansion in Kensington. We are all from Brooklyn so we try and keep it local.

Will there be any characters from the two films that will make a appearance somewhere in the series? Lola: Well...Rodney is one of my favorite characters so he will be back. I am already working on a "Where's Rodney" episode. Double Daddy, Grampa Honkey, Wanda Ouija will be back and so will The Velvet Hammer. Cleo and Heinrich will most likely be living with Velvet with all their beautiful multiracial babies.

Will Nefertitty get a sidekick at some point in the show? Lola: Nefertitty has a lot of people in the community that she depends on for information as well as help in bigot ass kicking. It won't ever be a batman and robin kind of thing but she has her people. Part of the fun is the characters that come out as a result. We all know that dude that does kung-fu in the park in his pajamas...but when we we need him and call him into action.

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