New Music Alert: Pink Elefants "Maryland"It's about to close the year and the decade in style. Yes it been a interesting decade and a slow progressive one but nonetheless we...
New Music Alert: Ninety "Move"Another new music alert and this time it's coming from the Bronx. Ninety(a reference to his born year) is a rapper trying to make a name...
Fool's Gold New York's Loudest ShowOn Thursday I made a trip to Brooklyn(Williamsburg to be exact) for finally witness a Fool's Good show. I always miss a chance to go to...
Opening Night at the Queens Hip Hop FestivalI was able get into Queens Museum Friday night to witness the opening reception of the 2nd annual Queens Hip Hop Festival. I got inside...
#NewMusicAlert Star Rios "The Queen Has Arrived"#bigpun #chrisrivers #starrios #bronx #rap #hiphop #newyork
#NewMusicAlert Therman Munsin "Evil Empire"I realized that somehow Therman Munsin isn't going to stop putting out heat and for that I just got to accept it and post. He just...
#NewMusicAlert Lex One "Wonder Jungle"Finally getting around to post some new music for y'all so bear with me as I continue to rummage through the inbox. I saw this link and...
Jadakiss Conquers The BronxA weekend(last weekend to be exact) was finished by heading to a performance in the Bronx by the D Block General, Jadakiss. I have seen...
Do the Bronx have a battle brewing?Recently I stumbled on my Twitter timeline and noticed a tweet about a female rapper named Maliibu Miitch who released a video for her...
Rob Markman @ Apple WilliamsburgI was out Wednesday night in Williamsburg checking out rapper turn journalist turn rapper again: Rob Markman. He has a lengthy career in...